November 17, 2023 4 min read

So, you are a young girl going on a trip to the UK and don't want to look like a black sheep among the local ladies. Consequently, your first question will be how to comply. 

Keep in mind that the British value practicality. Therefore, collecting a  car hire for young drivers will be the right step towards your goal. Rental cars for drivers under 25 emphasize the desire to travel in your own style. Plus, it's cheap to find a car hire in the United Kingdom. 

And what about British beauty trends and the path to visual perfection for local girls? It's simple - naturalness and femininity are the main characteristics of modern English ladies. They value personal style and prefer not to be equal to others. The tastes of British women in clothing, beauty, and life in general attract numerous representatives of the fair sex around the world. Let's find out what's special about them.

Indifference to professional cosmetology 

Women in Great Britain are accustomed to taking care of themselves from a young age. This also applies to hair and facial skin care. They often avoid beauty salons and resort to such procedures in case of emergency (of course, if we are not talking about public figures). As a rule, British women prefer to take care of themselves at home. 

Effective cosmetics 

British ladies choose cosmetics and skin care products scrupulously - the first thing they pay attention to is the composition of the product. It should be as simple as possible, since due to the unstable humid climate and frequent weather changes, many English women have sensitive skin. 

When choosing cosmetics, the brand of the product and the price range often don’t play a role for them - the main thing is high quality and effectiveness. Why pay more if the product works? Therefore, the cosmetic set of British women contains both luxury beauty treatments and budget ones. Even the English lady Kate Middleton uses products from the budget segment along with premium cosmetics. 

Many women in England believe in the benefits of natural products, so they actively use natural oils to treat their hair and skin. For example, Duchess Kate Middleton's favourite skincare product is  rosehip oil

Also, one of the cultural influences on beauty in the UK comes from a common natural product – oatmeal. Locals make the famous “English face mask” from it, which instantly refreshes and tones the skin, making it smooth and velvety. British women also like to freeze tea bags overnight and use them on their eyes in the morning.

Discreet-looking makeup 

British makeup and fashion trends stick to natural looks. Modern local women are alien to hot beauty trends such as  contouring, strobing, and plump lips framed by bright matte lipstick. When it comes to make-up, British women rely on naturalness - no bright accents or crazy experiments on their appearance are typical of them. They prefer a palette of natural shades and discreet colors that decorate a woman, rather than change her beyond recognition. Native English women use a minimum of cosmetics or refuse them altogether.



Thorough skin and hair care 

Weather conditions affect the UK beauty standards. What do we mean? So, the island nation's humid maritime climate makes the skin very sensitive. Therefore, Englishwomen are accustomed to giving it special care and attention. Micellar water, toners and two-phase makeup removers are extremely popular among them. At the same time, the most common products are ideal as a moisturizer and nourisher. 

The same goes for hair. Local women use a large assortment of products, such as all kinds of masks, serums, and moisturizing hair sprays.

Good physical shape 

Body image in the UK takes into account the habits of local ladies. As a rule, until the age of 35, they devote themselves entirely to work and personal care. This also applies to the body. At a young age, English women are famous for being slim, but, as a rule, the older they get, the more plump they become. So, they can quite often resort to strict  diets and intense physical training. 

Among sports, British women prefer swimming, golf, running, croquet, and other outdoor sports. As for food, any classic breakfast in England is, of course, oatmeal. Simple and unpretentious porridge is a valuable source of B vitamins and healthy fibre. A serving of oatmeal in the morning perfectly replenishes the body’s strength when it’s relaxed after sleep and gives you a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

Practical clothes 

When choosing clothes, Englishwomen stick to naturalness and practicality. Therefore, their wardrobe almost always contains neutral and calm tones. Also, they don't like to spend money on clothes and even don’t disdain second-hand items, so they visit fairs to find vintage wardrobe items. 

Women in England are absolutely not shy about rare clothes - they know how to perfectly combine the old with the trendy. Of course, like all women on the planet, British ladies also have an unspoken rule that their wardrobe must contain at least a couple of stylish items in accordance with the latest fashion trends.

On the whole, British beauty may be far from perfection. However, simplicity, practicality, and modesty in appearance, including makeup and clothing, attract multiple representatives of the fair sex in different parts of the world. Kate Middleton, Kate Moss, Kate Winslet, and Princess Diana are among the top beauty ideals in the United Kingdom. They represent English fashion as it is, so you can adopt a lot of their beauty secrets for yourself!

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