September 17, 2024 5 min read

Let's say that you are selling a product, and it is high quality. However, nobody knows about that product and you also have competitors selling something similar.

Be it beauty products, cars, or medicine, more is needed to have the best product. People have to be convinced to give your items the attention they deserve. Otherwise, even the best items will be ignored.

In the online retail game, most of the impression will be formed by reading the product description.

Having a good beauty product description is a key step towards financial success.

Here are just a few things to consider when writing your description:


1. Take Inspiration from Others

Writing related to eCommerce is more challenging than it seems. Albeit more straightforward than article writing which has to be 500-1000 words; the challenges of commercial writing are different.

Just like any commercial, it has to be snippy, saying a lot in a few words. In addition, it has to be somewhat memorable. If your customers feel like they are reading a bland product label, it won't move them to buy.

Of course, nobody was born knowing how to do this. So where can you learn?

Larger companies simply prefer to outsource this work to third parties. For example, if you hire an SEO company, they will most likely offer to write these descriptions. In addition, there is also the possibility of searching for the  best essay service that you can find and hiring one of their writers for a day or two.

But if you cannot afford to spare the extra cash, then simply rely on doing solid research. Read

articles about how to write product descriptions that sell, or read the descriptions already written by your competitors.


2. Humanize Your Product

Back in the old days, many products would have bland descriptions. A can of fish would just say "fish" on it, and that's it. Being plain and bland used to work, but that is no longer the case.

This is why commercials often have nothing to do with the product that they are selling.

Many of us have seen those commercials with a horse running in a field, people randomly smiling, and a father holding a child on his lap, only to find that the commercial was for a washing machine. The reason why products try to develop a personality is because of human nature.

Our memory and attention work well regarding faces, stories, and personalities.

Meanwhile, as any chemistry student can attest, we are terrible at memorizing or caring about random numbers and chemicals.

You need to give a more human edge and tell a story.

Your brand has to present a human "face" and be associated with a certain type of experience or story. Sure, you are selling inanimate chemicals, but the best beauty product examples manage to create that positive impression.

For example, one of the most popular strategies is to mention the history of the ingredients.

"Grown on the sunny slopes of the Andes mountains, our ingredients are all-natural". Or, maybe your brand can pride itself on its track record of building customer trust.

There are dozens of approaches that you can choose.

The best beauty products will get to a point where they sell themselves, as loyal customers will praise and give you free advertising.


3. Know Your Customers

Let's take creams as an example. If you go to a store, there will be some variation of cheap, bulk, moisturizing cream. Universal, all-purpose, nondescript products make no effort to know their customers. The message is, "If you have skin, this is for you".

But our bodies are different, and we all have different ages, collagen levels, genetics, and skin tones. The description for beauty products business best practices dictates that you have to know to whom you are selling.

Your target audience may be women or men, young or old, light or dark skin, or any combination of those states. In addition, while the text has to be grammatically correct, you can shift the tone or jargon depending on the age group.

Please don't make it read like shameless pandering, but also don't shy away from talking like your target demographic.


Finally, you have to consider an overarching tone for your entire brand. Does your company itself have a theme or a vibe? A tropical, easy-going feel is your central theme, or a classy, cosmopolitan branding is more suited.

Regardless of what you choose, try to stay consistent in your messaging while also allowing a a certain degree of diversity and consistency.


4. SEO

In the past, merchants would just shout about their product in the market square to attract attention. There were beauty product examples even a few hundred years ago. Afterwards, it was supplemented by advertising in newspapers, radio broadcasts, and later TV programs.

Nowadays, the internet is the new information highway. But how do you "shout" on the internet marketplace?

The internet is an ocean of data, and we use search engines to navigate that vast amount of information. Search engines like some formats and practices and will promote them over others.

Search engine optimization, or SEO for short, is learning what search engines

prefer to index and applying that to your content to boost interactions and views.

As a business owner or online merchant, it is of vital importance that you learn SEO and apply it to your product descriptions.

If you fail to do so, your products will show up in Google searches, but at the bottom of the 3rd or 5th page, where nobody will see it. Studies show that people rarely click past the first 3-4 search engine results on the first page.

Of course, if you can afford it, you can hire someone to optimize your content for you, but you can also teach yourself if you want to save money.

The main aspect of SEO is the selection and management of keywords. The temptation is to learn what the keywords are and spam them inside the text.

However, both the search engine and the customer will penalize you for that. Product description writing is about making the text feel natural, conversational, and organic. A text that reads as being forced will get ignored.



Examples of beauty product descriptions are available on the web. If you look at the best ones, you will find that they construct a story about the item, and they know the customers to whom they are selling.

They are carefully written to get attention online, and their keywords are properly integrated.

While it can be a tough start, learning online marketing is a crucial skill in eCommerce.

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