September 05, 2024 4 min read

A perfect smile can boost confidence and self-esteem. Orthodontic treatment helps regain a radiant smile with the help of advanced orthodontic treatment.

Innovations in orthodontics design perfect smiles according to individual dental needs and preferences.

Professional dentists can treat teeth and jaw misalignment with the help of different types of orthodontics treatment.

What Types of Orthodontic Treatment are Available to Improve the Smile?

Correction of Teeth Malalignment

Traditional Braces


Traditional braces align teeth with the help of metallic wire and brackets that are placed on teeth' outer surfaces. It can resolve both aesthetic and complex functional issues. For bite issues treatment, traditional braces are the gold standard due to their continuous heavy force. Traditional braces compromise aesthetics due to their metallic appearance, patients with aesthetic concerns during treatment and minor teeth alignment issues choose other options.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are tooth colour braces similar to metallic braces, that align teeth and correct all the bite issues with less noticeable during treatment. The durability of these ceramic braces is less as compared to metallic braces, they break easily and stain with time.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are placed on the teeth's back surface to least notify during orthodontics treatment. It exerts pressure on teeth from the back side to align them. Lingual braces can cause difficulty in speaking and discomfort tongue and soft tissue.

Clear Aligner

Also known as Invisalign aligner can discreetly align teeth and enhance a smile without compromising aesthetics during treatment. Like traditional braces it is not fixed on the teeth's surface, they are removable and correct minor orthodontics issues.  Professional  dentist London expertly revitalises a patient’s smile with the help of Invisalign aligner in less treatment duration.

Correction Jaws Issues

Teeth malalignment due to jaw development abnormalities such as jaw overgrowth, undergrowth, and right and left jaw deviation are difficult to correct. Dentists can correct these issues in children due to developing jaws. In adults, jaw abnormalities are corrected with orthognathic surgery to make a perfect smile. jaw abnormality can be corrected with:

Palatal Expansion

Palatal expansion can correct severe bite issues such as cross bite by expanding the palate with the help of orthodontic appliances in children. Palatal expansion device fixed on the teeth with the help of bands.


Headgear is an orthodontic appliance attached to traditional braces used to correct jaw protrusion (Jaw growth more forward) and retrusion (backwards jaw growth). It also works on developing jaws to modify growth and correct bite issues to make a perfect smile.

Surgical Orthodontics

Jaws abnormalities are correct with orthognathic surgery, it corrects severe bite issues due to abnormal jaw growth in adult patients.

What are the Best Ways to Maintain Orthodontics Results After Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment revitalises a confident smile after a long treatment journey, it’s important to maintain a perfect smile by properly following orthodontics instructions such proper using a retainer after treatment maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental visits.

Wear Retainers Properly

After orthodontics treatment retainers are important to maintain a perfect smile. Retainers are removable appliances that retain aligned teeth in their position and resist abnormal teeth movement.  Orthodontics in London advises using retainers regularly around 6 months after orthodontics treatment, especially at bedtime. Retainers are made of biocompatible material they do not cause any harm to the oral cavity.

Maintenance of Retainer

Retainers are important to maintain teeth alignment after orthodontics treatment. Orthodontists advise to wear the retainer properly after treatment. Retainer hygiene and care are important it should be cleaned properly with a brush before insertion in the oral cavity and stored with proper care after removal from the mouth. In case of retainer breakage or loss consult with an emergency dentist immediately to fix it or arrange a new one to avoid teeth replacement.

Regular Dental Checkups and Professional Teeth

Orthodontists recommend regular dental visits after teeth straightening treatment to monitor teeth position and jawbone health. Professional cleaning is crucial after orthodontics treatment to maintain good bone health and maintain aligned teeth in new positions. Dental hygienist London maintains good oral health with dental cleaning, during regular dental visits.

Maintenance of Good Oral Hygiene

Maintenance of good oral hygiene is important for overall health. After orthodontic treatment special oral care needs to avoid smile imperfections. Teeth stains, dental decay, gum problems, bad breath and bone resorption around teeth are common problems due to improper oral hygiene maintenance. Dental Hygienist London resolves all these problems with dental cleaning, regular monitoring of oral health and educating patients to maintain good oral hygiene such as brushing twice a day, dental floss after every meal and using mouthwash rinse every day.

Monitor Teeth Movement

If a retainer is not used properly after orthodontics treatment, teeth slightly move back to their original position, similarly, bruxism or night grinding habits can sever damage teeth surfaced and their alignment. Carefully monitor such changes in the mouth and immediately inform the orthodontist. In case of accidental teeth trauma consult with an  Emergency dentist London, for immediate dental care.

Maintain Good Lifestyle

Maintain a good lifestyle such as avoiding hard and sticky food, which can damage teeth and cause tooth root fractures and avoid improper biting habits.

How Advanced Dental Technology Improve Orthodontics Treatment Results?

Advancements in orthodontic treatment help orthodontists in making a perfect smile more effectively, efficiently and comfortably. such as

  • Digital impressions and X-ray: The intraoral scanner precisely evaluates all the minor details of the oral cavity. Digital impressions help orthodontics make treatment plans without the time-consuming traditional impression.
  • Digital smile design for treatment:  Advanced software helps orthodontists design treatment plans digitally. With the help of stimulation, orthodontists virtual evaluate the treatment outcome by stimulating different treatment options. It improves the accuracy of orthodontics treatment outcomes.
  • Accelerated orthodontics: An advanced technique used in orthodontic treatment for rapid bone movement around teeth with the help of micro-osteoperforation to reduce treatment duration.
  • Advance bonding materials: Advanced bonding materials secure the attachment of orthodontics brackets with teeth without damaging teeth enamel surface.


With orthodontic treatment patients regain a perfect confident smile. Different orthodontics treatments are used to correct dental function and aesthetics. Advancement in orthodontics techniques improves treatment results. Proper use of retainers, oral hygiene maintenance and regular dental visits after orthodontics treatment maintain a perfect smile.

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